Rusty lake hotel achievements
Rusty lake hotel achievements



Also peel back the picture in the frame on the right, and use the information from all 3 sites to work out the code on the safe (top row: triangle, circle, triangle middle row: circle, moon, moon bottom row: triangle, moon, triangle). Look at the note on the small table, and the book being read by James. Summer 1870: The StaircaseĮxamine the top shelf of the bookcase and rearrange the books so the lines all match up correctly - a slider on the right will automatically go down. Now give the 3 bottles to the 3 babies (left milk, middle water, right wine). Open the window and place the 3rd bottle on the ledge, then take it back once it is filled with water. Give another bottle to Mary to get it filled with milk, then take it back. Place a bottle beneath the tap, then turn the tap and retrieve your bottle of wine. Examine the barrel on the right and attach the tap. Look at the cribs and take a tap from the second one. Use the key to unlock the small high cabinet, then take the 3 bottles from inside. Give this to the dog, then click on him to make him fall asleep. Repeat this with the second baby and then the third baby Triplets.Ĭlick on Mary again, then pick up the placenta. Bring out the first baby, cut the cord with your scissors and pick it up. Give this to Mary, then lift up her skirt. Use the plant on the pestle, then grind it with the mortar and collect some of the green birth potion with your spoon. Use the scissors to cut the plant on the right. Search the drawers to find some scissors. Look at the chest of drawers on the right and take the spoon and mortar, then look at the 3 birth certificates. Take the ring from the hand in the cabinet and give it to Mary, then click on her face to add her to the family tree. Pick up the key and use this to unlock the cabinet. Give this to the crow, then click on the crow to make it leave. Use the feather on the blood to write a note, then give it to Mary and click on her to get her to move closer to James. Look at the blank note in James' hand, then use the bloody hanky on it. Give the rose to Mary and make her smell it until her nose bleeds. Take a rose from the right, then examine the tree and take a feather from the crow. Place the heart into the jar on top of the cabinet, then click on it. Keep going forward to exit through the mouth. Click on the nipple until it falls off The Nipple. Set the same time on the grandfather clock, then break it open. Open the cabinet, then open the pocket watch and click on it to see the time: 8:25. Examine the cabinet on the left and press the corresponding buttons (1st row right, 3rd row middle, 5th row left, 6th row right). Use this to unlock the padlock blocking the window, then open the shutters and note the pattern of hand-prints on the panes of glass. Put this in the fireplace and light it with your matches, then pick up another key hanging in the fireplace. Look at the tree stump to the left and chop it with your hatchet, then pick up the wood. Use the key to unlock the bottom drawer and take a hatchet from inside. Search the drawers on the far right to find some matches. Summer 1860: The UncleĮxamine the portrait of The Vanderboom Brothers and peel it back, then take the key hidden behind it. Place the diamonds in the slots on the front door, then open the door and go inside. Click on it until it breaks, then take a third diamond. Look to the right and examine the window. Give the worm to the bird then click on it to make it fly away. Now examine the nest - click on the egg until a bird hatches. Look at the pots and take the worm from the ground and a diamond from the left pot. Take a twig from the sapling and give it to James, then get him to knock the nest to the ground. Spring 1860: The Houseĭrag the stool over to James then click on it and he will stand on it. Click on James, then on his face to add him to the family tree. Use the watering can on the seed, then click on it to make it grow.


Pick up the watering can and use it on the well on the left lower the watering can, raise it again and take it now that it is full of water. Look right and give the bone to the dog, then click on it and it will dig a hole. Take a bone from inside, and find a seed in the small box in the case. Read the note in James' pocket to see the number 572 on the bottom. They are listed below in date order (apart from at the graveyard near the end). The parts of the family tree can be completed in any order once they are available.

Rusty lake hotel achievements